Friday, May 27, 2005

Friday Ramblings

Thoughts to get you ready for the weekend.

Ever wonder what people see in Paris Hilton? I mean seriously, what do people see in her besides the dollar bills? I can name 100 people hotter than her. Don’t get me started.

I love wrestling. There hasn’t been a show on Monday’s (from 9-11:07 pm) that can pry me away from watching RAW. The networks have tried. But no one has been close. Not even at there cheesiest and corniest of permutations. But I’m fair game on a Tuesday.

Posted a comment on Heidi’s blog about my In n Out meal of choice. Which got me really craving for it. Let me tell you something, do not try it unless you plan on eating anything before or after in a 12 hour period. Trust me. This has officially taken over my top 5 list of God’s Food. Named because only God can eat this stuff on a normal basis without His stomach giving up and His veins getting blocked.

For the record, here’s the top 5:

1.) Bacon (That was too easy)

2.) Steak & Potatoes

3.) Garlic Fries

4.) Double- Double Animal Style, French Fries Animal Style and Vanilla Shake (No way you can have one without the other)

5.) The Sisig, Chicharon Bulaklak, San Miguel Beer Trifecta

(Number 4 before was Chocnut. But I can go without that stuff.)

I mentioned a review on the new Gorillaz and Audioslave albums. Here it is: It’s good.

For all the time I spend on the ‘net reading and the like, I’ve hardly written anything sports related on this blog. Trust me, that is going to change soon.

Residual Episode III comments: It’s good.

Long time readers can attest to my devotion to writing while in a , how do I say this, catatonic state of mind. 95% of the creative endeavors in this world have been achieved while in an altered state. I’m not changing my mind on this. Even ancient civilizations agree with me. Michelangelo’s painting on the Sistine Chapel? High. Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa? Inspired by a sexual ritual with a person he can’t see. Those pyramids the Egyptians built? Need I explain where that came from? Not to say that this post is anywhere near those works of art. Well, I guess this is one of the 5%.

Lastly, on a serious note, say a little prayer for my Grandmother. She’s in a hospital bed fighting internal bleeding right now. Sometimes, the hardest thing in the world to do is to continue to live. To lose that will to live, you’re not a martyr; you’re a quitter and a loser. Never take your own life for granted. Amen.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

How Are You?

Just got my first pro golf lesson yesterday. Did a lot of putting and chipping since I’ve never done that before. And no, mini-golf doesn’t count. It’s a lot tougher than it looks. Give me a 9 iron to hit a ball 120 yards than a 20-yard chip or 10 feet putt. Don’t listen to me, I’m just antsy because I’m actually going to play my first course next Tuesday! And, sorry but I plan on writing a hole-by-hole diary so if you’re not interested, plan on not reading my blog on Wednesday. Consider yourself warned.

Caught Episode III over the weekend. Impressive stuff. Really dark as they said it was, but very good. It’s easily the best of the three prequels, but still a notch below the first three. (For the record, I find the very last the best and the very first the worst.) I was impressed with Hayden Christiansen. This whole movie revolved around his character and he pulled it off. My cousin told me that Leo DiCaprio was in the running for the Anakin part. Imagine that for just a second. Then get on your knees and say “Hallelujah!” Great dialogue on the final battle with him and Ewan McGregor. Natalie Portman’s, however, were forced, clichéd and boring. If it weren’t her acting it would have been a disaster. I half expected to not see her as much as in Episode II, yet pleasantly surprised that she got ample airtime. Her characters evolution on this Episode, however, leaves a lot to be desired. I blame the writers, not her (no never her). I imagine her reading the script and saying “I have to say what??” Too bad.

While were on the subject, did you see her cut her hair bald? Shock gave way to amazement. She actually managed to still look hot with a haircut closer to mine. It’s for a movie based on another comic, “V For Vendetta”. But back to her. Pulling that look off is not easy. Ask Demi Moore, Sinead O’Connor and Melissa Etheridge. I haven’t been turned on by a bald woman since…well, ever.

Last one. I don’t know if I’m the only one who comes across this. I’ll throw it out there anyway. Tell me if I’m crazy or not.

A favorite of people across this great land is to greet you “Hello!” as you walk by; even to complete strangers. I love that. Just so friendly and with a smile too. And yet, some take it to another level when they greet you hello, then proceed to ask you “How you doing?” all while barely breaking stride. Such a pet peeve of mine. If your not going to stop and hear the answer, why bother asking? Just once, I’d like it to go a little something like this:

Stranger: Hello!

Me: Hello

Stranger: How are you? (walking past me)

Me: (Grabs the strangers arm) funny you should ask, but I’m not doing too well. First of all, I woke up late to work. It wasn’t my fault really. The alarm came off its plug and lost power. So, I’m like, running late and try as I might, I can’t get to work on time! I was late 15 minutes and my boss still chewed me out. How rude! Anyway that’s not all, my girlfriend… hey wait, wait a minute! Where you going? I ‘m not done yet! Hey!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


I don't know whats in your mind
are you gloating coz im kind?
all the time
reach out to a stranger
that i thought you forgot

saying your sorry
that it didn't work out

tc is a word
meaning nothing to me
maybe ur bored
with that person other than me
reach out to a stranger
that i thought you forgot

saying your sorry
that it didn't work out
say your sorry
for nothing out loud

someday ill see you
like strangers in the rain
stop in my tracks
to ask you why

then you

say sorry
that it didn't work out
saying sorry
that it didn't work out

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

You're The Best, Bill

Miss me?

Last week, I completely forgot to give an update on something. My Golf game! It’s getting better thanks for asking. I played on Friday and again yesterday. Yesterday was tough on my swing. I think I got tired. But I corrected my arching back, placement of the ball… Oh my back is what you wanted to hear, you say? Fine. It’s getting better. No pain whatsoever but I still can’t lift my foot. But, now that you mention it, I sort of remember something. Something I must be doing. I just have words in my head. Doctor…don’t…golf…now. Hmmm. Odd.

Mentioned last week about my new toy. In a couple of months, some new competition will arrive. Last week, the new X-box debuted on MTV and just today, pictures of the new PS3 came out. Nintendo doesn’t count anymore. Those guys haven’t released a good system since the Super NES. I love how, just hours before the X-box debuted, Bill Gates practically trashed the staying power of rival Apple’s iPod. Yet here he comes out with what attributes to a humongous iPod. Granted it plays video games but the similarities in the design are hard to miss. Good job, Bill.

Wana say more but I’m tired and sleepy. So I’ll leave you with these pictures of an abandoned amusement park. Good night!

P.S. I remember now! Doctor said “Don’t play golf for now”! Glad to know I don’t have Alzheimer’s. Don’t you hate when you can’t remember something? Now I can sleep.

Wait a minute...

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Catching Up

Finally...the rock has come BACK...Online.

After a two week break, I'm back better than Tony Danza. Back with a vengeance my friends. What a two weeks it was. Oh I didn't do anything that kept me out of a computer the whole time. Just being lazy:)

So much has happened in my world and the world in general I don't know where to start. Better get comfy in your seat and get some coffee. You'll be here awhile.

Some progress to report on Operation Big Apple. I've been in touch with my aunts in New York and they've asked for my resume. Hopefully it works out. Unsolicited help is always the best. Like getting swing tips from pro's. My only concern is that my mom would find out. Let me explain. I'm not quite ready to tell her my plans. Not yet anyway. Reason being, I don't want to deal with constant nagging from the people in this house. These are the same people who talk about what they'll do with the lottery money they'll win; On a monday. So, no unnecessary pressure. Let me deal with this.

One reason I haven't been posting is I got a new toy to play with. It is, quite honestly, the greatest invention in the last two years. Words... It's not everyday that we here at the word playground are at a loss for words.

I've finished reading both Fast Food Nation and Angels and Demons. The latter I just put to bed an hour ago. Some thoughts on them both:

First, if you knew the truth, what would you do? The question came after reading The Da Vinci Code. Whether you believe the revelation or not, it's what you do with this information that lights the correct path from the two roads. After reading Fast Food Nation, I was faced again with this dilemma. Da Vinci Code, that's fiction. It's up to you to decide what you believe. That's the mantra for authors. But for Fast Food Nation, it's a documentary. I won't spoil it. Just to say that I seriously considered turning Vegan. Seriously. I asked my cousin (who is vegan) and asked him if the book did it for him. He said that he was on the edge and the book pushed him. After some soul searching, I decided against it. Even going vegetarian. For one word: balance. Extremists have a fundamental point that I disagree on. Too much emphasis on one side of the proverbial coin. Everything in this world is in symmetry. Yin and Yang. Good and Bad. Lindsay Lohan and Natalie Portman. I’ve believed that the way to lose weight and stay healthy is not to completely eliminate one part of a diet. But control it so that a balance is achieved. But what of the information that is now seared in my head? Well, to start definitely no more fast food for me. Or chips. I have a coke sometimes but not as much as before. I try very hard to stay away from anything that’s vacuum sealed in factories, eating only cooked fresh food from reputable companies that feed their cow what they are made to eat. Grass. It’s a struggle but anything you feel strongly about, you’ll find a way to do. It’s that or I’ll be like Cypher in The Matrix. “I know this steak isn’t real…you know what? Ignorance is Bliss”.

If you ask me what I thought of Angels and Demons, I’ll say “I slept at 1 AM on a workday because I couldn’t put the damn thing down”. Wonderful read. Not as good as The Da Vinci Code in my opinion but entertaining as well. The shock revelation is not as controversial as Da Vinci, nor are the puzzles that more intricate. But it is still well written, fast paced and much, much more grandiose storyline-wise. Remember too that this is was written before Da Vinci so in it’s time I’m sure it was impressive in it’s story. The similarities in the two books beginning threw me off a bit until I remembered that this was the first. Enjoyable, Intelligent, Entertaining.

Now that I’ve finished reading these books, I’ll need a new one. Not that I’m in a hurry since my new toy needs constant attention. But suggestions are welcome.

I’m constantly amazed at the creativity of brilliant writers. When you have a controversial idea and spin it to something that makes the reader roll his/her eyes or laugh out loud, well that’s what it’s all about right there. But then you get greedy and go for more and I just shake my head. How people have the time to think about this stuff...(shakes head sideways)

Finally, I’m watching the last Star Wars movie this Saturday and to commemorate this occasion, I give you the quote of the century.

“Which of these buttons calls your parents to pick you up?”
Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, talking to a guy in a Darth Vader costume.