Wednesday, October 12, 2005

New iPod

Unless you've been living under a rock today, you'll know that the latest iPod was just announced, along with a new iTunes and iMac. I'll spare the details. And yes, I want and will get one of those iPods. I didn't spend the entire day refreshing websites every 30 seconds to get the latest info for nothing.

Reason I"m here is to get something off my chest. All day, i've been reading in forums and comments pages under articles how disappointed they were, how Apple didn't add what THEY wanted, which was blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. How they just bought a Nano and what would it do to the sales of the Nano once this is out blah blah blah blah blah. How video is nice but the screen is too small, battery life not enough, blah blah blah blah blah blah.

You get the point.

Irritated all day, I wanted to chime in with my thoughts but I saw this and I just bit my tongue. Coz, you know, that is just dead on the money. But still, binge eating on chips, even gourmet chips with no preservatives, isn't enough. So here I am and you know whats coming next.

I'll tackle just the iPod. I will not make any judgements about the appearance until I have one in my hands but from the initial pictures, it is a lovely piece of work. Not WOW like the Nano but close. The bigger screen is nice. Thinner is always better, especially when it can store 30 or 60 G of data. That was the only reason I got the 30G photo instead of the 60G. Too bulky.

New features include video playback, stopwatch, lock code and world clock. The sound output is said to be the best (Steve Jobs words, not mine). And more thumbnail preview pictures onscreen. Obviously, video is the hot topic among these. Let me just say to everyone who says that the screen is too small to play videos. None of us have actually seen or experienced watching video on it, so please stop pretending like your all high and mighty and such know it alls. Just stop. the PSP may have a bigger screen, but until they make at least a 10G memory card, there's zero point to it. I have one and it is amazing for playing video games. Movie files? Sure but I don't like the hassle of converting to Sony format or constantly overwriting files on the memory card. The thing that bothers me most, was the suggestion that video playback should be watched in the iPod sideways for a wider screen. Uhm, what? uhm, whaaat??! uhm, no.

My only gripe (yes I do have one) with the new iPod is no increase in storage capacity. If what the specs say is true, then a music video will typically take up 6 songs worth of storage space. If it takes up that much then an increase in storage space would have been nice. At the rate that I am personally going, I'd run out of space to put new content in by November. Look, I'd rather not have to pick from 30G worth of music, 10G music videos, 5G photos and all the episodes of Lost which to bring with me. Part of the allure of the iPod is holding in your hands your entire record collection. I'd like to think, even with the introduction of new content, that that is still the case, minus the word "record" of course.

One last typical complaint. What about the Nano? Well what about it? Nano's sales would be affected, you say? I say, the Mini didn't do too bad, did it? No of course not because it satisfies a different MARKET.

Whew... I'm done ranting. On a first impression scale, it's an 8 out of 10. More on the topoic when I can try one out personally.


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