I thought about something over the weekend. Your typical blogs on the net are personal accounts by the author about whatever. But a lot of times, they have basic themes. An identity, if you will. I’ve been doing this blog thing for almost a year now and it got to me how this blog of mine is so random in content and vanilla in presentation. Any given time, they style of delivery and content of words is different. On the one hand, I’ve never written so much stuff in a year. Sometimes I’d crank out stuff back to back, which I’d never done in the past. It’s always been, get one story done and then take a break. Sometimes it takes year for the next one. Anyway I bring all this stuff up because I just got an idea.
I’m sure most of you have books you keep with all kinds of notes for stories, poems, songs, whatever. Well I do to and it’s maybe a quarter full with a couple of stories and weird stuff in there. I thought that instead of keeping a book, Word Playground would become my little book of ideas. That way, all these ideas become permanent record, and not only do I get to remember and critic them, others can too.
So that’s that for the intro. Here’s the first of (hopefully) many more notebooks to come.
You know how you wake up sometimes from a real kick ass dream, wishing you had remembered all the details so you can tell everybody about it? Some people I know remember theirs so vividly hours after the fact. I wish I could do that. I got my wish, sort of a couple of months ago. It was the weirdest thing and as soon as I woke up, I took out the notebook and jotted everything I could remember, before it would go away. A couple of days after I reread it again and I still couldn’t believe what I was reading. It was so surreal yet so down to earth. Should I go through with it?. As I write this, I take a couple of glances at the notes, trying to piece it to something that makes sense.
As I remember it, the environment wasn’t your typical city surroundings. The best way to describe it is one of the planets in those old Star Trek shows. Civilized, with buildings but different. The people in the planet look human. There’s two main characters, one is a teenage boy who happens on a rundown building. The other is a character he meets in the place. I’m trying to picture it so it makes sense in words. The exact quote on my notebook is “Midget with the heart of a child” but that sounds like an oompa-loompa. “Retarded midget” is very un-PC. “Mentally challenged small person” should work. Remember that this is an alien planet. So he meets this thing and they become buds and he promises to hang out there and play with him. So they hang out but only at this place and only after school. They eventually become best friends and he tells him all these promises, how he’d take him away from the place and show him the world. He didn’t tell his friends about it because he didn’t know what they’d say when they find out he hangs with these kind of people. BTW, I haven’t figured out yet what that something special is about the house or these small people but there is something; there always is. One day, one of the kids from school finds the place too and tells the other kids and they start mercilessly picking on these guys. Bullies have nothing on these guys. There’s nothing worse than when kids start picking on another kid. Our lead guy finds out about it and finds out what these guys are. He races back to the place and finds out his buddy just killed himself because he felt betrayed. My last notes are, and I quote” At the funeral, he remained standing, hugging another little person, crying ‘I’m sorry’”.
Looking back, I’ve a few problems with this. I’m not even going to mention the overall stupidity of the thing. The ending, for some reason, struck a chord with me, albeit very depressing. The image of the special people from my dream isn’t going to work. Too weird. Actually, the whole thing is too weird it’s stupid. Sort of like Star Trek making a buddy comedy, save for the ending. There are some stuff I might use in the future. I could use the ending. It’s about the only thing I really like from it. And I like the theme, how we judge things without knowing. But I could probably tell something like this without the alien world. Will it be as interesting though?
Believe it or not, I even thought of making this bigger than a short story just to be able to get the feel of the environment and put more things in perspective. But now that I spend time on it, I’m not sure this is going to work. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
I’m sure most of you have books you keep with all kinds of notes for stories, poems, songs, whatever. Well I do to and it’s maybe a quarter full with a couple of stories and weird stuff in there. I thought that instead of keeping a book, Word Playground would become my little book of ideas. That way, all these ideas become permanent record, and not only do I get to remember and critic them, others can too.
So that’s that for the intro. Here’s the first of (hopefully) many more notebooks to come.
You know how you wake up sometimes from a real kick ass dream, wishing you had remembered all the details so you can tell everybody about it? Some people I know remember theirs so vividly hours after the fact. I wish I could do that. I got my wish, sort of a couple of months ago. It was the weirdest thing and as soon as I woke up, I took out the notebook and jotted everything I could remember, before it would go away. A couple of days after I reread it again and I still couldn’t believe what I was reading. It was so surreal yet so down to earth. Should I go through with it?. As I write this, I take a couple of glances at the notes, trying to piece it to something that makes sense.
As I remember it, the environment wasn’t your typical city surroundings. The best way to describe it is one of the planets in those old Star Trek shows. Civilized, with buildings but different. The people in the planet look human. There’s two main characters, one is a teenage boy who happens on a rundown building. The other is a character he meets in the place. I’m trying to picture it so it makes sense in words. The exact quote on my notebook is “Midget with the heart of a child” but that sounds like an oompa-loompa. “Retarded midget” is very un-PC. “Mentally challenged small person” should work. Remember that this is an alien planet. So he meets this thing and they become buds and he promises to hang out there and play with him. So they hang out but only at this place and only after school. They eventually become best friends and he tells him all these promises, how he’d take him away from the place and show him the world. He didn’t tell his friends about it because he didn’t know what they’d say when they find out he hangs with these kind of people. BTW, I haven’t figured out yet what that something special is about the house or these small people but there is something; there always is. One day, one of the kids from school finds the place too and tells the other kids and they start mercilessly picking on these guys. Bullies have nothing on these guys. There’s nothing worse than when kids start picking on another kid. Our lead guy finds out about it and finds out what these guys are. He races back to the place and finds out his buddy just killed himself because he felt betrayed. My last notes are, and I quote” At the funeral, he remained standing, hugging another little person, crying ‘I’m sorry’”.
Looking back, I’ve a few problems with this. I’m not even going to mention the overall stupidity of the thing. The ending, for some reason, struck a chord with me, albeit very depressing. The image of the special people from my dream isn’t going to work. Too weird. Actually, the whole thing is too weird it’s stupid. Sort of like Star Trek making a buddy comedy, save for the ending. There are some stuff I might use in the future. I could use the ending. It’s about the only thing I really like from it. And I like the theme, how we judge things without knowing. But I could probably tell something like this without the alien world. Will it be as interesting though?
Believe it or not, I even thought of making this bigger than a short story just to be able to get the feel of the environment and put more things in perspective. But now that I spend time on it, I’m not sure this is going to work. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
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