Tuesday, May 24, 2005

How Are You?

Just got my first pro golf lesson yesterday. Did a lot of putting and chipping since I’ve never done that before. And no, mini-golf doesn’t count. It’s a lot tougher than it looks. Give me a 9 iron to hit a ball 120 yards than a 20-yard chip or 10 feet putt. Don’t listen to me, I’m just antsy because I’m actually going to play my first course next Tuesday! And, sorry but I plan on writing a hole-by-hole diary so if you’re not interested, plan on not reading my blog on Wednesday. Consider yourself warned.

Caught Episode III over the weekend. Impressive stuff. Really dark as they said it was, but very good. It’s easily the best of the three prequels, but still a notch below the first three. (For the record, I find the very last the best and the very first the worst.) I was impressed with Hayden Christiansen. This whole movie revolved around his character and he pulled it off. My cousin told me that Leo DiCaprio was in the running for the Anakin part. Imagine that for just a second. Then get on your knees and say “Hallelujah!” Great dialogue on the final battle with him and Ewan McGregor. Natalie Portman’s, however, were forced, clichéd and boring. If it weren’t her acting it would have been a disaster. I half expected to not see her as much as in Episode II, yet pleasantly surprised that she got ample airtime. Her characters evolution on this Episode, however, leaves a lot to be desired. I blame the writers, not her (no never her). I imagine her reading the script and saying “I have to say what??” Too bad.

While were on the subject, did you see her cut her hair bald? Shock gave way to amazement. She actually managed to still look hot with a haircut closer to mine. It’s for a movie based on another comic, “V For Vendetta”. But back to her. Pulling that look off is not easy. Ask Demi Moore, Sinead O’Connor and Melissa Etheridge. I haven’t been turned on by a bald woman since…well, ever.

Last one. I don’t know if I’m the only one who comes across this. I’ll throw it out there anyway. Tell me if I’m crazy or not.

A favorite of people across this great land is to greet you “Hello!” as you walk by; even to complete strangers. I love that. Just so friendly and with a smile too. And yet, some take it to another level when they greet you hello, then proceed to ask you “How you doing?” all while barely breaking stride. Such a pet peeve of mine. If your not going to stop and hear the answer, why bother asking? Just once, I’d like it to go a little something like this:

Stranger: Hello!

Me: Hello

Stranger: How are you? (walking past me)

Me: (Grabs the strangers arm) funny you should ask, but I’m not doing too well. First of all, I woke up late to work. It wasn’t my fault really. The alarm came off its plug and lost power. So, I’m like, running late and try as I might, I can’t get to work on time! I was late 15 minutes and my boss still chewed me out. How rude! Anyway that’s not all, my girlfriend… hey wait, wait a minute! Where you going? I ‘m not done yet! Hey!


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