Friday, March 25, 2005

Terri and Jeff

Been busy busy busy so I'm down to 2 posts this week. I'll hopefully make it up next week. As for today, I couldn't let the week pass without giving my two cents on issues that happened. I'm keeping it short since we've been bombarded with news about these two for days.

I'm sure everyone knows about the tragic story of the Minnesota school shootings from Tuesday. When I first read about this, Pearl Jam's "Jeremy" immediately came to mind. That was also about a school shooting. Sometimes I think that schools are the hardest places in the world. If you don't appear normal or hitch along with a group, chances are you'll be the target of a lot of abuse. And with no friends and, as was the case with this boy, no family, you're only option is to hide inside and stew. Or write blogs (wait a minute...) But nobody can keep stuff pent up for long. Just like a volcano, eventually it's gonna blow. I'm sure right now that kids around schools are laying off the usual punching bags for now but you know that it's going to start again. Let 's just hope that something like this never happens. But I wouldn't bet on it.

I'm sure you are all riveted about the Schiavo case and have been following it religiously. When I first heard about this, I am transported back to middle school and some high school English classes. See, every year we have to go over debating in school and the topic that was always selected was "Euthanasia vs. Prolonged life". Then they'd cut the class in half (arbitrarily, doesn't matter which way you believe in) and have us debate over the two. Naturally, those that defend euthanasia regularly lose once the religion part is thrown in. How in the world are you going to defend someone reading the passage that deals with "sanctity of life?" And, being in a country that doesn't have a separation of state and religion, that sticks with the teachers as valid points. I personally have been involved in too many of these debates that I just shut up. Besides, once someone brings out the bible it's all over. Now that the story of Terri Schiavo is out there (and I'm against deciding who lives and who dies, by the way unless proven without a shadow of a doubt that this is what Terri wanted) maybe then the Euthanasia party will have a chance. At the very least, the debate will go longer.


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