Friday, March 04, 2005

Doodle-Board Sucks!

Doodle-board sucks! They're now charging to have the board up on sites because "costs are running high"

Now I've to find a new one. One that doesn't censor like flooble. No wonder there was a blank space on hwat was supposed to be a message board on my site. I could have at least received a nice email telling me about this instead of shutting it down without warning. What's wrong with that? And no, a post on the website isn't much since I haven't been back to their site since I got the code. Why would I? Why should anybody? To think, people in that company actually sat in a room and came up with the conclusion that they can't offer the free service anymore. I'd like to think that the issue of letting the customer know what's going on came up. But the best they can do is a post on the site? That's poor service to me.


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