Monday, February 14, 2005

Bombing in the Philippines

On a serious note, I'd like to take the time to honor the people that died yesterday in the bombings that happened in the Philippines.

You didn't have to go , but fate and destiny gave you a bad hand, specifically the hands of the people that planted those bombs in the bus stations and in the mall. Their hands have taken 12 people from this Earth and changed the way 100 + more will live their lives, not to mention the numerous people that knew these victims , and us, who are left to watch and listen. And for what? An ideal? I'm all for opinions. I'm all for fighting for an ideal. I'm all for change. I just don't want to change people's minds by force. And I don't want to force my ideals down people's throats. And I especially don't like the idea of hurting other people, physically or emotionally, to prove my point.


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