Thursday, January 20, 2005

In N Out

Like the re-design? It goes well with the whole Sandman theme since he has reincarnated himself to a new "white" persona.

I didn't post anything yesterday because I was hard at work with the short story. It's actually finished but I still have to proofread it and maybe, just maybe, make some tweaks to it. If not tonight then tomorrow it will be up for consumption.

I debated on doing an offseason Niner Notes with the release of the old head coach and the hiring of the new guy. But I'll just give a quick pass here instead. I need a break from the 2-14 season. The one thing I like about him is his deep rooted Niner history, what with his dad being the coach of the team in the 60's and 70's. Being the old coordinator of the Baltimore Ravens defense, no doubt his defensive mind is sound so we'll just have to wait and see what he can do on the offensive side. Because last year, well, we were just offensive.

The random politician jab at the side was taken from one of those standup day calendar thingies. Mine's supposed to be jokes and snides of the day but it's not really funny. That was yesterday's. This one is today's.

Blanche: Little Joey, why are you eating that candle?

Little Joey: I wanted a light snack.

I will now electrocute my nipples!

In other news, as mentioned in a previous post my company (which will remain nameless) has decided to dump 250 hard working (ok not all of them) employees in another cost cutting move designed to lower expenses. I actually know a couple of them and to add to this story, the company actually put a deal in place where they have to stay until the end of the quarter in order for their severance package to kick in. That's 2 more months of staying at a place where they just gave you the pink slip. Do you want an example of modern day torture? That's like a girl giving mixed signals to a guy whose courting her. One day she likes you and acts like you have a great chance, the next she's having dinner with another. "Yeah I want you but I really don't." Let's just move on.

The epilogue to my trip is still in the formative stages so I don't think I'll get to it this week. So you'll just have to be sated with the short story and me rambling on and on about stuff for now. The format I had in my mind with these blogs is a couple of these In N Outs just to get random stuff out and talk about them and do big columns about one particular topic. That's the plan. It's not always going to work out that way but eh. Just read my postings, have a balanced diet, exercise regularly and you'll live to 120.

Now excuse me, I need a cigarette.


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