Monday, January 17, 2005

New Year, New Blog (In n Out 5 I think)

I don't like the way my blogsite is setup. I'm still running one of those templates that provides and its just not right. And being dumb-as-a-rock when it comes to coding, it'll probably take awhile before I become content. My main beef? There are probably a hundred thousand blogsites that use the same template.

Anyway, this day has been interesting. I just met my new boss for the first time. Right now, my group is still in the phase of the relationship where everything is still good. Kind of like the first 3 months of a romantic relationship. She said all the right things to alleviate fears ( not me). We'll see in the next few months how this plays out. For me personally, I'm just happy to have a job. We just cut 250 jobs across the company and like I told my officemate: Would you rather be re-organized or layed-off? But, at the same time, the selfish side of me wants to know if this ship is still heading in a profitable direction for all involved. In other words, I want a raise. I was expecting to get one if not next month, by the end of the quarter. If it doesn't happen, I'm 80% sure I'm heading out.

I don't want to end on a down note so I'll just make some announcements on what I'm doing. I want to get my blogsite a section with links to my favorite websites to give the visitor (you) a better feel for me as a person. I'll also be coming out with an epilogue to my trip back home which I covered in livejournal and will be linking here as soon as I figure out how to do it:) Notice how the two goals are connected? Finally, I'm going to finish my short story and post it here. After 3 months, I'm finally going to make an effort to finish it. I think I needed the break to experience coming home before I could have finished the story. Just things I saw and found out will make the story even better (I hope). It's called "Sunset" and hopefully by the end of the week it'll be up.

Phew! That's a lot. Feels like work.

Congratulations, you just experienced your first In n Out.


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